The adventure begins with an orientation to BaseCamp, why we’re here, what lies ahead and what it takes to live a purpose-driven, successful life without regret. Let’s get to know one another as we tour the camp and explore what time has in store.

Hand grasping rock while rock climbing

climbing basics

Begin your journey toward more productive habits, discover the principles influencing each part of your life, and explore your personality, your natural gifts, acquired skills and self-confidence.

Man erecting a canvas tent


Discover ways to use your natural gifts and your acquired skills. Areas include relationships, parenting, family finances, and more. Let’s explore your personal experience growing up and what this really means as you move forward in life.

Two men on the hiking on the summit

The summit expedition

Recovering from setbacks is a key element of a successful life. Let’s talk about it and learn to celebrate with a grateful heart. God created each of us for a unique purpose. Learn how to live a more purpose-driven life.

909 Betty Lane
Mineral Point, WI 53565
Phone: +1-608-425-0059

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