How Do I Become the Man God Wants Me to Be?

Close up on Knight in armer holding a fist over his heart.


I’m using Jerry Boykin’s (Strong & Courageous) definition of what God wants a man to be–

  • Provider 
  • Instructor
  • Defender
  • Battle Buddy 
  • Chaplain

This month let’s look at Instructor. 

Male physical fitness instructor reading off a clip board.


Definition: someone who imparts knowledge and wisdom to another, then encourages those who hear to apply it. 

God expects you to be an instructor–in your home, in teaching biblical principles. Life skills and sheer living. In your workplace, teaching how to do things, how to work with people, how to build a business or a ministry. In church, engaging God for His instructions and the use of spiritual gifts. In your community–building a strong place to live. 

Father teaching son to fish.


First, let’s expand the definition. Being a instructor may mean–

  • classroom teaching, or
  • one-on-one instruction in a mechanical skills, or 
  • a facilitator for a group discussion in personal relations or communications. 

The best instructors know the best ways for them to impart knowledge and encouragement. 

What, than, does it take?

Deep Faith–

A deep faith in Jesus leads to learning and applying biblical principles to strengthen your life and enable you to teach others. 

Depth in the Bible–

The more you study the Bible, the easier it is to understand its teaching. Then it becomes easier to apply biblical teachings. Your life becomes richer, you have purpose and you have God’s strength behind you. 

Man with Bible

Desire to learn–

Desire to learn is built on curiosity–the insatiable quest for knowledge–where things come from, how they work, how did they happen, 

My wife Barbe and I both come from families of learners. Barbe developed a sense of curiosity at a young age. She has built on that sense the rest of her life; then she’s passed it on. 

The result–our two children, eleven grandchildren and 7 great-children are all blessed with a common trait–

Learners with great curiosity.

Kids in Greenhouse with scientist looking through microscope holding green vial.

BaseCamp USA encourages curiosity in the teens who come.

Our outdoor activities include rock climbing, rappelling, team building, camping. These help teens learn new skills and build their confidence.

Our hiking trails not only build strength, but offer knowledge of plant and animal life. 

In seminars and campfire discussions we work with teens on fitness, life skills, and purpose in life. Helping decide your educational path, career choice, finding a mate, family finances, are all critical parts of our programs. 

A passionate desire for lifelong learning often separates those who successful in life and those who are not. 

Desire to share knowledge–

Jerry Boykin says it well, “…it is your responsibility to offer practical advice and wisdom, to inform and provide insight to your family and those you care about or influence, whenever and wherever you have the opportunity. To share timely information, seasoned wisdom, lessons learned and a sense of history is vital to the next generation’s development. 

I come from a family of teachers. Teaching is in my DNA. Some people have the spiritual gift of teaching. Others do not, They struggle in classroom instruction, but may be excellent one-on-one coaches or mentors. 

The point is each man needs to move into the role of wise instructor, how that’s carried out depends on your skills and God’s instructions. 


As a teen–

You are rapidly learning skills, many of which you may easily share–computers, auto repairs, music. Here’s a chance to develop your teaching skills–to help others grow. You’re also learning how personal relationships work and how to make wise decisions. 

Perhaps most critical is sharing your faith. 

As an adult–

God says the adult male is to be the principal instructor in the family. 

Dad teaching sons to build wooden item outdoors.

Three key areas–

Decision making–ultimately made makes the final decisions, at least on major items. The wise husband explains the process–discussions with his wife and children, seeking God’s counsel, then makes the decision. 

Discernment–distinguishing one thing from another–

  • True from false
  • Good from bad
  • Right from wrong

Instilling a sense of patriotism and pride within the family. 

Finally, this summary from Psalms==

  • Things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:3-4
Man reading Bible to Wife and two children.


We’ll continue to look at aspects of “How Do I Become the Man God Wants Me to Be?” And we’ll look at important areas of decisions teens must make–education and career. 

In the meantime come visit us a BaseCamp USA at our home in Mineral Point, Wi. 

Submitted by: Jim Kackley

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