Has This Ever Happened to You?

Sitting in another boring meeting about your team’s low numbers, you wonder how your team got to this place. This team was the best 10 years ago. They could out-perform any other division. Why doesn’t it feel like that anymore?
These are the same 15 people. You only have 2 new people both rock stars!. The performance doesn’t seem much different, something is off.
You used to hang out on the weekends and make plans as a group. You were so close as a team. The team doesn’t hang out anymore.

Why? What Changed?

Some of it has to do with families, and some of it is you only focus on work. You know it, and it is whispered in the hallways that the team needs something to jump start them and keep them moving forward. You have tried going to conferences and trainings, but it doesn’t seem to help.

There is a Solution…

One of your friends at a bank mentioned how his team was feeling the same way and they decided to schedule a trip to BaseCamp. They worked through a lot of the problems and made plans on how to deal with ones that may arise. In fact, they enjoyed it so much that they made a follow up visit 6 months out to return.

909 Betty Lane
Mineral Point, WI 53565
Phone: +1-608-425-0059
Email: info@basecampusa.org

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